Immagine Research We are a leading provider of sensory evaluation research in New Zealand and Australia. Our team have more than 25 years of sensory research experience.The objective of the IMAGINE study is to create a large cohort of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Industrial Management and Innovation Research. Universidad de Cuenca – Campus Central Av. 12 de Abril y Agustín Cueva. Edificio L. 593 (0)7 4051000 Ext. 2119.
Pioneer in Europe, Imagine is the only center in the world to offer this integrated “doctor-researcher-patient” organization, dedicated to genetic diseases.Research and Evaluation. Imagine Learning continuously measures the impact of programs on student success and uses those insights to improve student outcomes.The IMAGINE programme of research aims to identify genomic, environmental and developmental factors that are predictive of mental health outcomes.